New Mexico Youth Risk and Resiliency Survey and Healthy Kids Colorado Survey


The New Mexico Youth Risk and Resiliency Survey, or NM YRRS, is a CDC funded school-based survey of middle and high school students. The survey helps to characterize adolescent health behaviors, as well as resiliency, or protective factors. The NM YRRS is made possible by a collaborative partnership between the New Mexico Department of Health (DOH), the New Mexico Public Education Department (PED), the University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center (UNM PRC), and the Albuquerque Area Southwest Tribal Epidemiology Center (AASTEC).

The Healthy Kids Colorado Survey (HKCS) is Colorado’s widely administered survey on the health and well-being of young people. The purpose of this survey is to better understand youth health and the factors that help young people make healthy choices. Much like the NM YRRS, the HKCS is aligned with the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS).

AASTEC’s Involvement
  • Each survey year, AASTEC identifies schools in New Mexico that serve a high rate of American Indian/Alaska Native students. These schools are generally on, or near, tribal communities and include public, charter, tribal, and Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) schools. At these specific schools, an oversample (or census) of the NM YRRS is administered. This means that all 6-12 grade students are given the opportunity to complete the survey.
  • The aim of the AASTEC oversample project is to ensure that American Indian students are adequately represented in the results of the NM YRRS. Employing an oversample technique ensures that the NM YRRS data is representative of American Indian/Alaska Native youth, and therefore, more useful to tribal communities and tribal-serving organizations.
  • The AASTEC oversample project began in 2007, and as of 2019, 44 high school and middle schools participated in the oversample. Through the AASTEC oversample project, the number of American Indian/Alaska Native students represented within the NM YRRS state sample has roughly doubled.
  • AASTEC works with the Colorado School of Public Health to support administration of the Healthy Kids Colorado Survey at schools serving tribal communities in Southwest Colorado (Region 9).

For both the New Mexico and Colorado surveys, students in grades 6-12 voluntarily participate in the survey during the Fall of odd-number years.

Topic areas include personal safety, mental health, and resiliency, among many others. The resiliency, or protective factors, topic area is a unique aspect of the surveys and provides more information about family, peer, school, and community support.

AASTEC develops fact sheets, state-level and school-specific reports, presentations, and other materials to support schools that participate in the NM YRRS and the HKCS. AASTEC has access to HKCS data for the Southern Colorado Tribal Area only and therefore, only a region-specific report is generated with HKCS data.

Data Highlights

2021 High School New Mexico (NM) Youth and Risk Resilience

(click image to download full PDF)

2021 Middle School New Mexico (NM) Youth and Risk Resilience

(click image to download full PDF)

Reports & Publications









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    Contact Us

    If you’d like to request NM YRRS or HKCS American Indian/Alaska Native data or technical assistance, please complete the form below and a team member will follow-up with you. If you have any questions, please contact Carolyn Parshall, Epidemiologist, at

    AASTEC New Mexico Youth Risk and Resiliency and Health Kids Colorado Survey Data Request Form

    Type of Request/Product

    Grade Level (select all that apply)

    What year(s) of data will you be using?

    Which Youth Survey do you need?

    Please indicate the data topics needed for the request (select all that apply)

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